I also watched ong bak 2 which was awesome a little difficult to follow and the end was not super awesome, buuuuutttttttttttttt, I just saw this and am now super pumped -
it looks like candy man meets deathwish meets conan the barbarian post tree of woe crucifixion, meets ONGBAK! aaahhhhh. its going to be so sweet.
Also I just found out that I have a a secret admirer looking for me on the craigslist missed connections -
i can not however believe that this is legit and not a certain somebody pickin on me or getting back at me for playing some jokes on them.
and speaking of jokes, this is old but I believe I am going to start back up with my high time for a jokes -
also photoshoot at blndsght today, I think I am going to dress like a shark maybe. or do some sweet face paint on myself. not sure yet.
Party on -
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